Derivatives in the Crisis and Financial Reform, in THE POLITICAL (Gerald Epstein & Martin Wolfson eds., 2011).
Is Our Economy Safe? A Proposal for Assessing the Success of Swaps Regulation under the Dodd-Frank Act, in THE FUTURE OF FINANCIAL REFORM: WILL IT WORK? HOW WILL WE KNOW? (Roosevelt Institute 2010).
Out of the Black Hole: Reining in the Reckless Market in Over-the-Counter Derivatives, AMERICAN PROSPECT (2010).
The Relationship of Unregulated Excessive Speculation to Oil Market Price Volatility, in REPORT OF THE EXPERT GROUP AS CONVENED BY THE 2008 AD-HOC ENERGY MINISTERS MEETINGS HELD IN JEDDAH AND LONDON 124 (International Energy Forum, Jan. 16, 2010).
Out of the Black Hole: Regulatory Reform of the Over-the-Counter Derivatives Market, in MAKE MARKETS BE MARKETS 99 (Roosevelt Institute 2010).
Drowsy Driving Research Paper co-authored by Clark J. Lee entitled “Mediational impact of perceived risk on drowsy driving intention and willingness in university students” (April 20, 2019).
Textbook Chapter co-authored by Clark J. Lee entitled “Sleep, Law, and Public Policy” (August, 2018).
Drowsy Driving Research Paper co-authored by Clark J. Lee entitled “Motivational factors associated with drowsy driving behavior: A qualitative investigation of college students” (December 6, 2017).
Later School Start Times Article co-authored by Clark J. Lee entitled “Law-based arguments and messages to advocate for later school start time policies in the United States” (October 17, 2017).