Is Our Economy Safe? A Proposal for Assessing the Success of Swaps Regulation under the Dodd-Frank Act, in THE FUTURE OF FINANCIAL REFORM: WILL IT WORK? HOW WILL WE KNOW? (Roosevelt Institute 2010).
Greenberger, Michael, Is Our Economy Safe? A Proposal for Assessing the Success of Swaps Regulation under the Dodd-Frank Act, Digital Commons (Oct. 2010).
Out of the Black Hole: Reining in the Reckless Market in Over-the-Counter Derivatives, AMERICAN PROSPECT (2010).
Michael Greenberger, Out of the Black Hole: Reining in the Reckless Market in Over-the-Counter Derivatives, The American Prospect (2010).
The Relationship of Unregulated Excessive Speculation to Oil Market Price Volatility, in REPORT OF THE EXPERT GROUP AS CONVENED BY THE 2008 AD-HOC ENERGY MINISTERS MEETINGS HELD IN JEDDAH AND LONDON 124 (International Energy Forum, Jan. 16, 2010).
Michael Greenberger, The Relationship of Unregulated Excessive Speculation to Oil Market Price Volatility, International Energy Forum (Jan 16, 2010).
Out of the Black Hole: Regulatory Reform of the Over-the-Counter Derivatives Market, in MAKE MARKETS BE MARKETS 99 (Roosevelt Institute 2010).
Michael Greenberger, Out of the Black Hole: Regulatory Reform of the Over-the-Counter Derivatives Market, The American Prospect (2010).
Drowsy Driving Research Paper co-authored by Clark J. Lee entitled “Mediational impact of perceived risk on drowsy driving intention and willingness in university students” (April 20, 2019).
Lee, C. J., & Beck, K. H. (2019). Mediational impact of perceived risk on drowsy driving intention and willingness in university students. Transportation Research Part F, 63, 165-173.
Textbook Chapter co-authored by Clark J. Lee entitled “Sleep, Law, and Public Policy” (August, 2018).
Lee, C. J., & Rajaratnam, S. M. W. (2018). Sleep, Law, and Public Policy. In F. P. Cappuccio, M. A. Miller, S. W. Lockley, & S. M. W. Rajaratnam (Eds.), Sleep, Health, and Society: From Aetiology to Public Health (2nd ed., pp. 224-233). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Drowsy Driving Research Paper co-authored by Clark J. Lee entitled “Motivational factors associated with drowsy driving behavior: A qualitative investigation of college students” (December 6, 2017).
Beck, K. H., Lee, C. J., & Weiner, T. (2018). Motivational factors associated with drowsy driving behavior: a qualitative investigation of college students. Sleep Health, 4(1), 116-121.
Later School Start Times Article co-authored by Clark J. Lee entitled “Law-based arguments and messages to advocate for later school start time policies in the United States” (October 17, 2017).
Lee, C. J., Nolan, D. M., Lockley, S. W., & Pattison, B. (2017). Law-based arguments and messages to advocate for later school start time policies in the United States. Sleep Health, 3(6), 486-497.